Booking Managment
How to make a Booking?
To make a booking in ResDiary, click on the Book button located on the top right of the ResDiary home page. This will bring up the booking form window in which all the booking details can be entered.

On the left-hand side of the booking form, booking details need to be input. Start selecting from the restaurant name (if multiple restaurants are listed under the same group), and select the area, date, service, and number of pax. Then click on the blue search button to check the available time slot. An available time slot will appear in blue. If you have a promotion set up, promotion time slots will have appeared under the name of the promotion once you scroll down the available time slots. Other available optional columns can be used to capture more information about the guest such as dietary requirements, booking notes, and Room No. etc.
Guest details can be punched on the right-hand side of the booking form. Columns that appear in the blue are the required minimum fields to complete the booking. These columns can vary depending on the restaurants. Here you can add the guest’s name, phone number, and email address and opt-in the customer for the marketing emails by click on the Marketing option button. Other columns customer type, and customer code can be used to save the customer information in the database that can be used in future for the marketing purpose.
Check the video tutorial for how to make a booking in ResDiary.
How to edit the Booking?
Go to booking in the ResDiary. Click on the guest’s name. It will bring up the booking spider. Click on the top left-hand side Edit icon.

Then it will bring up the booking window where any changes can be done. On the left-hand side, any changes in the booking details can be made whereas, to make the changes in the customer details click on the edit which is located on the top of the right-hand side of the window. Once made the changes click on Save to update the reservation.